You will live better, feel stronger, and find greater confidence through healthy, vibrant eating

My Story

My passion for health started in childhood with my earliest memories. My twenties took me on a healthy journey of twist + turns, ups + down, diet fads and way too much HIIT. It wasn’t until my thirties when I started focusing on true health -how my body felt and what my body needed to thrive- that I was able to discover the best foods for me, live in vibrant health + find true confidence.

Aubrey Turner

Certified Functional Nutritionist

Certified Mindset and Life Coach, in process

Four years ago Aubrey became certified in Functional Nutrition Coaching through Andrea Nakayama’s thorough and extensive Full Body Systems.

Through her education and practical experience, Aubrey learned to look at the body as a single system where every function of the body is connected and interacts each other, and how when that system is balanced and unified your body becomes remarkably self-healing and can finally thrive.

Aubrey works closely with data, science, and a little bit of soul to guide you into making sustainable healthy changes so you walk away with the understanding and confidence to live your healthiest, happiest life.

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I cannot stress this enough...Aubrey showed me how to take small, easy steps and create huge, monumental impacts on my overall health and wellbeing. I had no idea that my stomach pain, lack of appetite, and afternoon slump was due to drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Since making this change alone, I’m more motivated for afternoon workouts and surprisingly do not need as much coffee to get me through the day. Pausing before eating? Who knew that helped you to digest food better.  It's these small things that I can take with me everywhere I go that are truly invaluable.  Aubrey has a contagiously positive outlook on life and has helped me to change my mindset when approaching work and personal life.


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