Eating well is the most genuine + long lasting form of self care you can give to yourself

Your healthy outside begins with a gut healthy inside

Your health will thrive when you begin the journey of personalized nutrition. Work with me & discover the right foods for the health of your gut and your body.

When you eat better, you feel better and when you feel better you live better.

And it starts personalized nutrition + individual support.

Rather than do things the typical way, I’ve created a signature system (Get Gut Heathy) designed for you.

By using your goals, biomarkers and diet which allows your nutrition & healing protocol to be entirely personalized & bio-individual

Healthy eating isn’t just a goal.

It’s a lifestyle.

And I’m here to help you live it.

Work with Me

A small selection of my services

Single Coaching Session

Designed for those who are short on time or simply cannot commit to long-term nutrition coaching. This 90-minute session is all about optimizing your nutrition efficiently through education and simplistic tools.

90 mins | Get started

Get Gut Healthy

Workplace Health

After a thorough assessment of your current health, I will create a personalized plan to help you eat, live, & feel better. With ongoing coaching and support, you will discover how to find sustainability with healthy eating and habit change.

14 weeks | Get started

Is your office or business in a slump? Do you need a healthy re-charge? Workplace wellness is vital to employee wellbeing and happiness and I offer workshops, masterclasses, and health-seeking challenges to motivate and encourage employees to leave their afternoon slumps behind!

Customized to fit your needs | Get started

This was the BEST investment in my health I have made EVER!  I came to Aubrey because of my continuous stomach pain and undigested food (in stool); since working together, I’ve found better sleep and little to no stomach issues *and* I created new healthy habits: food before coffee, sun in the morning, being conscious of what & when I eat, using food as fuel for my body.  You will love Aubrey’s energy, thoughtfulness, and caring. She listened carefully, researched in depth for answers and provided timely feedback. She never made me feel like the issues I was having were all in my head.  If you’re curious about working with Aubrey- get off the fence and hop onto the side that will provide solutions and healing for your gut.
