It takes TWO to balance

You don't find balance. You create balance.

Today a client and I were speaking about balance, and it got me thinking about the delicate nature of balance.

-How balance changes both seasonally and in the different seasons of our life. 

-How “creating balance” is itself balance.

-How often we have to swing from extreme to extreme to truly find the balance that works…for that moment in time.


I'm not sure balance can be found in one single aspect of life- it's not just balancing eating healthy…if you were only to eat healthy there would technically be no balance, right?  The balance is balancing eating health with indulgence.  It's not the balance of work.  It's the balance of work coupled with enjoying life. It's the balance of exercise and rest for without rest there would be no balance.


Balance is a powerful practice, but it's also ever changing.

And that's balance.


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