Do you feel as good as

you want to feel?

Nourish your body through diet + nutrition so you can

live life as your best self.

Wholly Wellness

Be your best self through balanced nutrition

+ a healthy gut

As a certified functional nutritionist my purpose is to provide you with proper nutritional support and coaching so you can learn how to eat better, feel stronger, and live healthier.

There is no one-size-fits-all. Nothing is cookie cutter.

Get Gut Healthy

A two part gut healing program

  • Part One:

    3 weeks

Assess your baseline health through your unique health data and current diet

Analyze your health struggles in combination with your data and diet

Optimize your health through a sustainable, personalized health protocol

  • Part Two:

    12 weeks

Ongoing coaching so you feel supported in making sustainable changes that will leave you self-sufficient with your health goals.

  • You will Get:

Tailored nutrition guidelines to help you feel better

Personalized lifestyle recommendations to compliment and enhance your nutrition

New, healthy habits that work for LIFE!

Discover the Power of Food as Medicine

When you and I work together, you will discover the right nutrition and diet for you that will add vibrant life to your years and healthy years to your life.

Everything is virtual

Created for your ease & comfort, all communication, sessions, and notes will be competed and saved virtually, giving you access to all your notes, protocols, and guides from anywhere at anytime.

My Method

  • Assess

    The initial assessment is used to provide a solid baseline of specific health markers to provide accurate insight and data for your current health.

  • Analyze

    From your assessments, I will create connections between how you’re feeling + the food you’re eating, your biomarkers, and your current health struggles.

  • Optimize

    This is the part where I help you discover how to make simple dietary shifts to optimize your nutrition and enhance your health so you can feel stronger, live healthier, and be your best self.

  • On going coaching

    The secret sauce! You + I will have weekly check-ins so I can support, encourage, and coach you while you learn to implement you new healthy habits.

 The Dr told me my blood test was fine.  I did not feel fine! After I connected with Aubrey she was able to read all the blood test and able to correlate them into issues that needed to be corrected.  After being on her recommended supplement protocol everything came together. The fatigue, brain fog and sleep issues all disappeared.  I now had a new lease on life. This allowed me to return to exercise, running and hiking.   Working with Aubrey was the best health decision of my life.  

— Don T, client